How To Transfer Files From My Phone To Android TV Or Television

Install File Commander, install iptv on android tv

This guide helps you to easily transfer files from your phone to your Android TV.

Transferring files from your phone to an Android TV allows you to install files on your television easily.

The process may vary slightly depending on the make and model of your Android TV.

Nevertheless, the steps we show you in this guide generally apply to all Android TVs.

Now follow the steps below to transfer files from your phone to your Android TV.


Steps To Transfer Files From Mobile Phone To Android TV

Please follow these general steps to send Apps from any phone to your android TV.

First, make sure your Android TV and your phone are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

File Commander App, transfer files phone to android tv
Connect devices to same WiFi, transfer files phone to android tv

After linking both the phone and the television to the same wifi, download the file commander for the television.

Open File commander, transfer files phone to android tv

Click on the File Commander button on your television to give you a broad menu on how to operate it.  

Now use the browser(Google Chrome) on your phone to link the file commander o your television.

Click on the PC file transfer button on your television and turn it ON.

It will give you an IP  number to enter it into your google chrome on your phone. 

Tap on the Internal Storage icon on your phone and select UPLOAD FILES at the upper right corner of the phone screen.


Transfer apk from phone to TV, install iptv on android tv

Click on the Select File menu and select the item you want to transfer to the Android TV.

NB: In the course of loading the file to the internal storage, it will refuse. Don’t stop loading until it is done and you will find the file on your television.

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